St John Ambulance and NHS coronavirus advice
As coronavirus cases in the UK continue to rise it is important to update yourself, and your family via the most reliable information sources available.
24-hour headlines and social media mean we are inundated by coronavirus news every day. Some information can be conflicting or confusing so we have put together a helpful coronavirus update to keep you informed.
Kinetik Wellbeing is proud to work in association with the nation’s leading first aid charity St John Ambulance, together we are “Working together to deliver health in the home”. St John Ambulance are standing ready to boost the health response in communities across the UK and have recently unveiled a series of measures to support the NHS as the nation battles with the UK coronavirus outbreak. Learn how St John Ambulance are responding to the COVID-19 outbreak here.
We have gathered some helpful information from St John Ambulance and the NHS on the UK coronavirus outbreak below.

What is coronavirus?
Coronavirus is a new type of virus; the symptoms of this virus can develop into a new respiratory illness called COVID-19 that can affect your lungs and airways. COVID-19 can lead to a mild infection, or in some cases a more severe illness.
So far, around 20% of coronavirus cases across the world have been classed as ‘severe’, and the coronavirus death rate varies from 0.7% to 3.4% depending on the patient’s location and access to adequate hospital care.
The coronavirus has spread to every country in the world since it emerged in China. In Italy coronavirus has hit particularly hard, with 115,242 reported cases and 13,915 reported coronavirus deaths (as of 2nd April 2020).
The BBC have issued a coronavirus map showing recorded coronavirus cases in the UK which you can view here.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
The NHS cites the main coronavirus symptoms as;
- A high temperature (skin feels hot to touch on your chest or your back)
- A new, continuous cough (coughing for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours. An existing cough may appear worse than usual.
What should I do if I develop coronavirus symptoms?
If you need medical help the NHS advises that anyone displaying new symptoms (as above) should use the NHS 111 coronavirus service.
You are asked not to visit at GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
People at higher risk from the coronavirus
You may be at higher risk from coronavirus if you are 70 or older, pregnant or if you have a condition that could increase a risk to your health from coronavirus. Conditions at higher risk from coronavirus include: if you have had an organ transplant, if you have a severe lung condition such as COPD or severe asthma, if you are receiving certain treatments for cancer, if you are suffering from blood or bone marrow cancer, if you are pregnant and have a serious heart condition, if you are taking medication which increases your risk of developing infections.
How can you help to prevent spreading the coronavirus?
The UK Government advises that you should only leave the house for very limited reasons – to get food or basic necessities, to seek medical help or for a valid medical reason (like giving blood, or helping a vulnerable person), to exercise once a day (alone or with members of your household), to travel to and from work (but only if you are unable to work from home).
- If you do leave the house, you should take care to remain at least 2 metres away from other people at all times.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.
- Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards.
- Wash your hands often – especially when returning home. Follow this guide to effective hand washing from St John Ambulance.

Kinetik Wellbeing and coronavirus
To help you stay well at home Kinetik Wellbeing have released a coronavirus support range of products that you can view here.
Kinetik are proud to support the work of St John Ambulance with a range of products to support health in the home. For every purchase of a Kinetik Wellbeing device, St John Ambulance receive a donation from Kinetik to help them carry out their crucial work. Find more about our association with St John Ambulance here.
As well as offering quality devices at affordable prices directly to our customers, Kinetik are also proud to work with the NHS and other local authorities. You can learn more about our work with the NHS and Public Sectors here.
Kinetik Wellbeing have recently launched a special discount for NHS trust and NHS workers:
- Kinetik Wellbeing branded products & face masks – 10% discount
- All other ‘Kinetik Approved’ stock – 5% discount
- Shipping FREE on all orders (no minimum spend)
If you are an NHS worker and you would like information on our NHS discounts please email customercare@kinetikwellbeing.com for a discount code.
