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27 August 2019

7 healthy school packed lunch ideas


Healthy Packed Lunch Ideas

Are you struggling with school packed lunch inspiration? Here’s 7 healthy school packed lunch ideas.

The school holidays are drawing to a close and it’s almost time to jump back into the hectic school routine. All the fun of piles of washing and dreaming up healthy packed lunch ideas for your hungry little monsters.

  • Tuna Pitta Pockets – A pitta bread torn in half and filled with tuna mayo, shredded lettuce and sweetcorn makes a fun alternative to a standard sandwich. The salad and sweetcorn add a satisfying crunch and a fresh, tasty lunch that’s easy for little hands to hold.

Tuna Pitta Pockets Kids Packed Lunch Ideas

  • DIY lunch – Instead of buying a ready made snack pack, you can save money and use less plastic by building your own! Kids will love building their own lunch and trying out different combos from the items you put in. Mix it up each day to add more variety! Our faves are: Carrot sticks, crackers, chunks of cheese, baby tomatoes (halved), grapes (halved lengthways). Add hummus or Marie-rose sauce (ketchup and light mayo) for an extra dip.
  • Kebabs – Kids love finger food and mini kebabs made from a variety of items are a surefire hit! Our fave ingredients include: Chicken Satay, sausage chunks, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and peppers. Or fruit kebabs with strawberries, melon and grapes. Safety tips: for younger children get blunt re-useable kebab sticks and not sharp tooth picks. Always halve cherry tomatoes and grapes (length ways) to avoid choking hazards.
  • Cream Cheese – Cream cheese combined with cucumber or even some smoked salmon makes an amazing sandwich filling that is quick, non-messy, versatile and healthy – our favourite kind! Cream cheese doubles up as a fab dip to pair with crudités of celery, carrot, cucumber and peppers.
  • Fruity Jelly – Make sugar-free jelly and throw in some fruit chunks while it is setting for a fun and tasty alternative to sugary yoghurt for dessert. Satsumas, strawberries and blueberries are all awesome options.
  • Perfect Pasta – Using a slow-energy releasing carb like wholemeal pasta for a tasty pasta salad will keep them going all afternoon! Make it fun with different types of pasta – shells, twists or bows. Combine with their favourite accompaniment. We love torn up ham, feta cheese, olives (pitted and halved or sliced) and chickpeas or Aduki beans – yummy!

Pasta Salad Kids Packed Lunch Ideas


  • Boiled Egg and Soldiers – Hard boiled eggs, halved with soldiers made from cut up pittas or tortilla wraps makes a tasty and healthy combo. Add in some hummus for an extra dip too!

All of these ideas can be prepped beforehand so you won’t have to worry about a mad morning rush. We recommend putting an ice block into their lunch box to keep everything cool, and investing in different sized containers to keep everything separate and fresh. Involve your kids in the lunch making process – they feel more independent and are more likely to eat their lunch if they have had some input in choosing it! And remember, a treat like a healthy snack bar or packet of popcorn isn’t completely against the rules. As long as the lunch is well-balanced and nutritious too!

Find more healthy packed lunch inspo at NHS Change4Life or visit Jamie Oliver’s website for some great suggestions too!

For more healthy tips and advice you can catch up with Kinetik on social :


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Header image: © 5second –


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