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22 March 2021

8 Tips on How to Quit Smoking

Are you wondering how to quit smoking?

Quitting smoking is a big challenge, but your health will benefit hugely. By making manageable changes to your lifestyle, you can improve your chances of success.

Here are 8 tips to help you find the best way to quit smoking for good.

Quit Smoking Tips

1. Be positive

The best way to stop smoking is to approach it positively. Accept it will be difficult but don’t be discouraged by negative thoughts. If you have tried unsuccessfully to stop smoking before, identify what you can do differently this time. The best way to quit smoking is to avoid previous mistakes.

2. List the reasons why you should stop smoking

Keep a list of reasons for quitting smoking to read whenever you feel your resolve wavering. The best way to quit smoking successfully is to focus on what you gain from stopping.

3. Plan how to stop smoking

Set a clear plan that suits your lifestyle. For many people, this is the best way to stop smoking because it sets a path to their goal. Setting a date to begin will help you prepare for the challenge ahead.

This online quiz by the NHS helps you find the best way to stop smoking and sends you a personal quit plan based on your answers.

lady relaxing on the sofa

4. Learn how to relax

Many smokers reach for a cigarette when they feel stressed or bored. One of the best ways to quit smoking is to find a distraction when these feelings occur.

For many people, cigarette cravings last 15-20 minutes so one of the best ways to quit smoking is to use distractions when you have a craving. Take a walk, call a friend, get a drink of water – each time you ignore the urge to smoke is another step to quitting for good.  The best way to stop smoking is to appreciate every small victory!

5. Seek help to stop smoking

You may think that the best way to stop smoking is to face the challenge alone but don’t be afraid to seek help. Find a buddy to call when you feel a craving taking hold. If your friends smoke, you could ask them to quit too. The best way to stop smoking is to remove yourself from situations where you are tempted to smoke, so enlist some non-smoking friends to socialise with.

Your GP can recommend the best ways to stop smoking with methods like Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and there are free online support aids like the NHS Quit Smoking app which tracks progress and helps you set goals. The best way to quit smoking is to stay motivated, you can subscribe to daily support emails from the NHS to keep you on track.

6. Identify triggers

Common smoking triggers are alcohol, a morning coffee, or after a meal so changing your routine is one of the best ways to quit smoking.  Trying a new drink can remove the familiar sensation of smoking with a glass of wine or beer. Enjoy your morning coffee in a café where you can’t smoke or clear the table straight after eating to distract you from smoking.  The best way to quit smoking is to remove the temptation.

exercise more to help you quit smoking

7. Exercise more

The best way to quit smoking is to feel the physical benefits! Exercise will distract you, and make you feel healthier. Lung capacity increases by up to 10% within 9 months of quitting smoking so you will feel the benefits quickly. The best way to quit smoking is to become a fitter healthier version of yourself.

8. Reward yourself

Treat yourself with the money you save from quitting smoking! The best way to quit smoking for good is to cherish constant reminders of how good life is without cigarettes.

For more advice on the best way to stop smoking visit the NHS website, or speak to your GP or pharmacist.

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