Half term has arrived and you might find yourself wondering how on earth you will entertain your family for a whole week! The autumn weather can make it tricky to get out and about, but it’s not good for anyone to spend all day cooped up indoors. At Kinetik, we want to help you take control of your health and well-being so we’ve put together five ideas to help your family have fun and stay healthy this half term – without breaking the bank.
1. Enjoy a wet and windy autumn walk
Don’t let wind and rain get in the way of a good family walk. Fresh air does wonders for the heart and a brisk walk will help release those happy endorphins to cheer everyone up too. Pull on your wellies and waterproofs and go jumping in some leaves, splash in the puddles, collect some cookers and have fun!
2. Create a silent Disco in your living room
Who doesn’t love a boogie? If you aren’t a fan of loud music, or you are concerned about annoying the neighbours and breaking up squabbles over the track list, why not create a silent disco? Get everyone to plug into their headphones into a phone or iPod, choose their own track and get grooving together – trust us, it’s great fun!
3. Go swimming
30 minutes of gentle swimming can burn off 200 calories (http://www.swimming.org). Swimming is a great all over workout, you won’t get sweaty and it’s a great mood booster too. Contact your local pool to find out when their family swim sessions are and jump in.
4. Create your own trim trail
Boot camps and fitness assault courses are all the rage, but you don’t have to get muddy or join a club to enjoy one. Why not make your own trail at home?
If it’s raining and you have space, you can set up a simple circuit indoors – jumping jacks and burpees don’t require much space – or get into the garden with a skipping rope and a hula hoop, you just need to get creative with the items you have around you and you’ll be burning off energy and competing with each other in no time.
5. Carve (and cook) your Halloween Pumpkins
The spooky season is almost upon us and carving pumpkins is a great way to get creative – you can even have your own in-house contest if you can find an independent judge 🙂
Don’t waste the pumpkin flesh either, have a look for an easy pumpkin recipe to try as a family once you’ve lit those lanterns. (We’ll be posting some on our blog next week ;-))
Having fun together is key to the health of your family, and it’s so easy to do! Try to incorporate a healthy activity into your time together, and remember that you can measure, monitor and manage your family’s health with our products – from blood pressure monitors and exercise trackers to thermometers and pain relievers, we’ve got it covered. Visit our website to view our full range.
Have a happy, healthy half term everybody!
Header image: © Kzenon - stock.adobe.com